One of the Bulacan State University’s (BulSU) partners, Accenture Technology Academy (ATA), held a ceremonial event at the Valencia Hall for graduating students who received a job offer from Accenture on June 24, 2022.
The event started with the Opening Remarks held by Dr. Keno Piad, BulSU CICT Dean, as he greeted and congratulated everyone who got a contingency offer from Accenture and continued to talk about the history of the BulSU’s partnerships.
Following Dr. Keno Piad, was Dr. Romeo Dr. Inasoria, Chancellor for the Main Campus, for the Inspirational Message, as he reminded everyone to keep up with the latest trends and keep up with the demands of the industry to ensure that the students are fully prepared.
He ended his speech by further explaining and quoting Jim Collins stating, “Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline.”
The next speaker was Mr. JP Palpallatoc, Accenture Managing Director, for his Message of Support, as he empowers the partnerships and the academe faculty. He talked about the diverse career opportunity offered to the students. He ended his statement by thanking everyone for supporting their events and programs.
The fourth speaker was Mr. Niño Estrella, BulSU Campus Ambassador, as he inspired and shared his experiences working inside Accenture.
The next part of the program was an Audio-Visual Representation of students of Bulacan State University who got recognition for doing an outstanding job in their internships.
After an Intermission Number by the CICT FRX Crew, the next speaker was Mr. Bogs Paguigan, who talked about the constant development of businesses and partnerships. He ended his statements by thanking everyone for their support.
Before the Closing Remarks, a certificate of appreciation was awarded to the ATA Speakers and then proceeds to the Closing remarks, held by Dr. Digna S. Evale, Department Head of BSIT.
The program ended with the singing of the BulSU March.